Thursday, July 8, 2010

Friday delivery!

So we have coconut water arriving.  No kidding.  Frankly, it doesn't sound like my taste, but Chris, from Albert's Organics, claims it is THE NEXT BIG THING, and he's in the know about this sort of stuff.  Delicious and really good for you. Plus some cool water I just discovered called Waaa-TAH! 

In other news - there's more falafel coming - I can't believe we sold out of it!  And in response to the Hunan Dumplings revolution, I have two cases of those and Spinach Artichoke Noodles arrving Friday, too.  Plus a new something from MacroVegetarian.

Fresh produce lovers - we are looking at a great week - I have peaches, blueberries and strawberries arriving, all at a great price.  We are seriously thinking about lemons for next week - we have to get a juicer first.  Lots of oranges, apples and avocados in stock, with celery, carrots and cukes arriving tomorrow.  Bob Kropp and Stephen Kenney have been working hard keeping us stocked with beans, cauliflower, broccoli and lettuces.  A smorgasbord of fresh stuff!  (Stuffed into a too-small cooler, in some cases!  Sorry!)

We have some fantastic new sandwiches coming up for the weekend, too - mozzarella, with sliced tomato, roasted red peppers and black olives with a drizzle of olive oil.  It would work as a lovely salad, as well, for my gluten-free friends.

Salads, galore, folks - can't seem to keep them in stock on the deli.  I think we still have Beans, Beans, Bean salad and Classic New England Potato, all with organic ingredients.  More pasta salad as soon as I get my Wild Thymes delivery - the Tuscan tomato basil vinegrette is amazing on this salad!  I really want to offer chicken and tuna salads, too, but UNFI's been out of stock of the chicken so far.  Fingers crossed for next week.

Last, but most deliciously - we have blueberry pie coming on Saturday morning!  Tiffany and I have been offering Julie's organic vanilla ice cream on top - you've gotta try some!

Stay cool - hopefully we'll have ice - and iced coffee in another day or so!


  1. What a great selection, and what a great idea: every neighborhood needs a good general store like this one. I heard about it in the Enterprise.

  2. April! I love it. I can't wait to see you when I get back from Istanbul. What up with the hunks of Tofu? Any luck getting it in??? xxx
